CRC Workshop Archive

Past Workshops 2018-2024

Workshop Semester Links
CRC Ecosystem On-ramp Spring 2024 Tutorial Materials
Panopto Recording
Hands-on Introduction to Linux Spring 2024 Slides
Panopto Recording
Transitioning From Your Laptop to CRC Spring 2024 Slides
Introduction to Data Manipulation and Visualization Spring 2024 Slides
Panopto Recording
Fundamentals of Accelerated Data Science Spring 2024 Workshop labs & slides
Panopto Recording
CRC Cluster Basics Workshop Fall 2023 Panopto Video Recording
Hands-On Tutorial Content
Version control with Git/GitHub Fall 2023 Panopto Video Recording
Density Functional Theory Calculations Fall 2023 Panopto Video Recording
Introduction to Intermediate Level Python Fall 2023  
Introduction to Programming on GPUs with CUDA and Python Fall 2023  
Getting started with Software Testing Fall 2023  
Hands-on AI/ML Workshops:

Fundamentals of Accelerated Data Science

Summer 2023 Panopto Video Recording: Part 1, Part 2
Slides and Jupyter notebooks: Part1, Part2
Hands-on AI/ML Workshops:

Intermediate-level data science: Grasping Deep Learning: From Fundamentals to Applications

Summer 2023 Panopto Video Recording
Slides: Lec1, Lec2, and Lec3
Jupyter Notebooks
Hands-on AI/ML Workshops:

Data Parallelism: How to Train Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs

Summer 2023 Panopto Video Recording: Part1, Part2
Slides and Jupyter notebooks
CRC Ecosystem On-Ramp Spring 2023 Panopto Video Recording
Tutorial codelab content
Meeting Chat
Foundational Python Track Parts 1-3

Part 1: Introduction to Beginner-Level Python

Spring 2023 Panopto Video Recording
Meeting chat

Part 2: Introduction to Intermediate-Level Python

Spring 2023 Panopto Video Recording

Part 3: Introduction to Data Manipulation and Visualization

Spring 2023 Panopto Video Recording
Jupyter Notebook
How to Access and Use the CRC Ecosystem Fall 2022 Online Material
Panopto Recording
Version Control with Git and Data Management Perspectives Fall 2022 Panopto Recording
Introduction to Scientific Programming on GPUs Fall 2022 Panopto Recording
PDF Version of Slides
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python Fall 2022 Panopto Recording
Slides Website
Introduction to Using the Cluster Spring 2022 Panopto Recording: Session 1
Panopto Recording: Session 2
Practical Everyday Linux Spring 2022 Panopto Recording
Introduction to Python Spring 2022 Panopto Recording
Best Practices for Writing Intermediate Level Python Spring 2022 Panopto Recording
Overview of R for Data Work and Presentation Spring 2022 Panopto Recording
Class Notebook
Cluster training Fall 2021 Panopto recording
Panopto recording: Intro to HPC World
Panopto recording: Submit a Job Array
Advanced R Workshop Spring 2021 Workshop materials
Basic R Spring 2021 Workshop materials
Panopto recording
Intel Developer Tools Workshop Fall 2020 Intel Cluster Tools 1
Intel Cluster Tools 2
Intel Compilers Overview
Introduction to Linux Fall 2020 NIH HPC quiz
Software Carpentry's 'helping lab people compute smartly' Unix Intro
An Introduction to Linux workshop
Cluster Training Fall 2018 Panopto recording
R Programming Spring 2018 Panopto recording
Introduction to C programming Spring 2018 Panopto recording
Hybrid OpenMP/MPI programming Spring 2018 Panopto recording: Session 1
Panopto recording: Session 3
CUDA Spring 2018 Panopto recording