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CRC Workshops Spring 2024

CRC Ecosystem On-ramp
Thursday Jan. 25, 1-4 pm EST
This on-ramp session will introduce new and returning users to the CRC’s specialized compute resources and data storage systems. Topics covered include cluster access modalities, loading software tools with the LMOD module system, scheduling jobs with SLURM, and resource usage strategies. 
Prerequisite: CRC user account
Instructors: Nick Comeau, Research Computing Specialist; Kim Wong, Research Associate Professor

Tutorial Materials

Panopto Recording

Hands-on Introduction to Linux
Thursday Feb. 15, 1-4 pm EST
Competency with Linux is crucial to most effectively use the CRC’s advanced cyberinfrastructure. While the CRC provides GUI portals to help ease the transition from a laptop to our ecosystem, being able to work at the command line interface (CLI) will create the greatest efficiencies. In this hands-on workshop, we will demonstrate using the CLI in various topics including navigating the filesystem hierarchy; file creation, deletion, and renaming; file permissions; using the pipe command to string together basic commands into one more powerful command; aliases; text editing; and Bash shell scripting examples. Attendees will gain an overview of common CLI operations and external links to further reading.
Prerequisite: CRC user account
Instructors: Kim Wong, Research Associate Professor


Panopto Recording

Transitioning From Your Laptop to CRC
Thursday March 7, 1-4pm EST
We will provide guidelines to help transition your computational workflows to the CRC ecosystem. We will give examples of how to run, benchmark, and optimize your calculations on the CRC clusters. Topics covered will include: selecting the correct cluster for your needs, obtaining and monitoring resources on the CRC systems, understanding how to exploit the capabilities of the Slurm scheduler to maximize productivity, processing the results of your calculations, and moving data to and from the clusters. Examples from domain specific workflows will be provided. 
Prerequisites: a CRC account and familiarity with basic Linux commands and text editors (e.g., nano, vim, etc.). Having attended the CRC Workshops CRC Ecosystem On-ramp (Jan. 25) and Introductory Linux (Feb 15) will be an advantage. 
Instructor: Leonardo Bernasconi, Research Assistant Professor


Introduction to Data Manipulation and Visualization
Thursday March 28, 1-4pm EST
An important step towards developing ML applications in Python is data handling and manipulation. This workshop will cover different aspects of data manipulation such as basic table operations and missing data handling using pandas. The workshop will also cover exploratory data analyses and visualization using scikit-learn, matplotlib, and seaborn. 
Prerequisite: Basic Python programming knowledge
Instructor: Yassin Khalifa, Data Scientist
Slides, Recording

Fundamentals of Accelerated Data Science
Thursday April 4, 1-5pm EST
RAPIDS is a collection of data science libraries that allows end-to-end GPU acceleration for data science workflows. In this training, you'll: 

  • Use cuDF and Dask to ingest and manipulate massive datasets directly on the GPU 
  • Apply a wide variety of GPU-accelerated machine learning algorithms, including XGBoost, cuGRAPH, and cuML, to perform data analysis at massive scale 
  • Perform multiple analysis tasks on massive datasets in an effort to stave off a simulated epidemic outbreak affecting the U.K. 

Upon completion, you'll be able to load, manipulate, and analyze data orders of magnitude faster than before, enabling more iteration cycles and drastically improving productivity. 
Prerequisites: Knowledge of data manipulation and visualization in Python 
Instructor: Yassin Khalifa, Data Scientist 
Workshop labs & slides, Recording

Parallel Computing with MATLAB 

Wednesday, April 24, 1 - 4pm

The workshop will introduce parallel and distributed computing in MATLAB with a focus on speeding up application codes and offloading computers. By working through common scenarios and workflows using hands-on demos, you will gain a detailed understanding of the parallel constructs in MATLAB, their capabilities, and common hurdles you may encounter. 

Date: Wednesday, April 24
Time: 1–4pm EST 
Location: Virtual 

Register Now 

One-on-one virtual office hours with MathWorks engineers are available before and after the workshop. Contact Ken Cleveland ( to schedule a session.