CRC's Spring 2023 workshops have added some new features, including a series of foundational Python workshops in preparation for industry-sponsored workshops on data science. Our first workshop will be the twice-yearly CRC Ecosystem On-ramp held Jan. 19.
Please note: workshops will be presented in a hybrid format with up to 20 in-person participants. If you register for an in-person session and the in-person session is full, you will be alerted and receive a video conferencing link via the e-mail address you provided. CRC will continue to follow University guidelines regarding COVID-19 precautions, so other changes could be possible depending on those guidelines.
Register for all workshops at: CRC Spring 2023 Workshop Registration
Getting Started
CRC Ecosystem On-Ramp
Thursday, Jan. 19, 1-4pm EST
This On-Ramp session will introduce new and returning users to the CRC’s specialized compute resources and data storage systems. Topics covered include cluster access modalities, loading software environmentswith the LMOD module system, scheduling jobs with SLURM, and resource usage strategies. Prerequisite: a CRC User account
Instructors: Nick Comeau, Research Computing Specialist, and Kim Wong, Research Associate Professor.
Foundational Python Track
Part 1: Introduction to Beginner-Level Python
Thursday, Feb. 2, 1-4pm EST
The Workshop will cover topics including: how to run Python scripts and codes (interactive shell, command line, Jupyter notebooks and Google Colab), Python syntax, best coding practices, package installation, virtual environments, and basic data analysis with SciPy and Matplotlib.
Instructor: Leonardo Bernasconi, Research Assistant Professor.
Part 2: Introduction to Intermediate-Level Python
Thursday, Feb. 16, 1-4pm EST
The next step for developers looking to develop more advanced Python applications. This workshop introduces how to write object-oriented software in addition to advance flow control structures including comprehension, generators, decorators, and context managers.
Instructor: Daniel Perrefort, Research Assistant Professor.
Part 3: Introduction to Data Manipulation and Visualization
Thursday, March 2, 1-4pm EST
An important step towards developing ML applications in Python is data handling and manipulation. This workshop will cover different aspects of data manipulation such as basic table operations and missing data handling using pandas. The workshop will also cover exploratory data analyses and visualization using scikit-learn, matplotlib, and seaborn.
Instructor: Yassin Khalifa, Data Scientist.