Fall 2023 Workshops
CRC's first Fall 2023 Workshop will be the twice-yearly Cluster Basics Workshop on Sept. 14. In addition to workshops on Density Functional Calculations and programming on GPUs, the Fall sessions will include a series of three Foundational Python Workshops.
Please note: workshops will be presented in a hybrid format with up to 20 in-person participants. If you register for an in-person session and the in-person session is full, you will be alerted and receive a video conferencing link via the e-mail address you provide. CRC will continue to follow University guidelines regarding COVID-19 precautions, so other changes could be possible depending on those guidelines.
Register here for all workshops
Getting Started: CRC Cluster Basics Workshop
Thursday Sept. 14, 1-4 pm EST
This walkthrough tutorial session will provide an overview of cluster usage basics for new and returning users. Covered topics include methods for accessing the cluster, using software and the LMOD module system, SLURM job submission, and using cluster resources efficiently. Prerequisite is a CRC User account.
Instructors: Kim Wong, Research Associate Professor; Nick Comeau, Research Computing Specialist
Version control with Git/GitHub
Thursday Sept. 21 1-4 pm
An introduction to modern software development workflows using the git version control utility. This workshop covers git at the basic and intermediate levels in addition to common branching strategies used in collaborative development. This workshop is part of the Foundational Python Track.
Instructor: Daniel Perrefort, Research Assistant Professor
Density Functional Theory Calculations
Thursday Oct. 12, 1 – 4pm EST
We will introduce the use of density functional theory (DFT) in electronic structure calculations on extended systems. The workshop will focus on the foundations, approximations, strengths and limitations of DFT. We will also give an overview of existing DFT software packages and their features and provide practical guidelines on how to select and efficiently use these codes on the CRC cluster.
Instructor: Leonardo Bernasconi, Research Assistant Professor
Introduction to Intermediate Level Python
Thursday Oct. 26, 1-4pm EST
The next step for developers looking to develop more advanced Python applications. This workshop introduces how to write object-oriented software in addition to advance flow control structures including comprehension, generators, decorators, and context managers. This workshop is part of the Foundational Python Track.
Instructor: Daniel Perrefort, Research Assistant Professor
Introduction to Programming on GPUs with CUDA and Python
Thursday, Nov. 9, 1-4pm EST
This workshop gives a hands-on introduction to writing codes that leverage the capabilities of GPU accelerators, mainly focusing on applications in numerical methods and scientific computing such as solving PDEs or integer factorization. We will first give an introduction to coding in CUDA/C, and then follow up with how to build and utilize your own libraries in Python. Practical examples will be compiled and run on CRC's cluster, and basic familiarity with programming languages such as C/C++ and Python would be beneficial.
Instructor: Chengnian (Cheng) Xiao, Engineering HPC Consultant
Getting started with Software Testing
Thursday Nov. 30, 1-4pm EST
This workshop will cover essential testing concepts, methodologies, and frameworks. Participants will learn how to create effective test cases, explore unit and integration testing techniques, and gain hands-on experience with popular testing libraries. By the end of the workshop, attendees will be equipped with the foundational skills to ensure the quality and reliability of their Python projects in both scientific and industry settings. This workshop is part of the Foundational Python Track.
Instructor: Daniel Perrefort, Research Assistant Professor