Home Directories
Every user is provised a 75GB storage location for their home directory upon account creation.
This storage drive is backed up off-site, and the quota cannot be increased.
Persistent Research Data Storage
We maintain two storage arrays, aggregating to 3 PB usable capacity, to service the storage needs of the research community.
These are TrueNAS M50-HA systems from iX Systems and are architected to support various computational workloads.
They are mounted as /ix and /ix1
Our policy for data storage charges on the system is as follows:
- There is no charge for data storage up to 5 TB per PI.
- This should be provisioned to you an allocation is created.
- Storage beyond the free 5 TB is available for purchase.
- The charge is $65 per TB per year, this is a subsidized rate.
- Extra storage is available in 5TB increments.
Legacy Storage Systems
The CRC's BGFS (BeeGFS) and ZFS storage systems have been fully allocated and we cannot accept new users. If you have an existing allocation on these systems, you can continue to use it.
HIPAA, Protected Health Information, and Personally Identifiable Information
PIs and users of Center for Research Computing (CRC) computational resources are not allowed to install or use any software or data that are under protected control, such as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or Personally Identifiable Information (PII) without explicit approval. If you have any questions, or think you may be loading protected data, please contact the CRC at crchelp@pitt.edu.